Sunday, 1 July 2012

Setting up Pogo in Ubuntu

I have been playing around a bit with getting Pogo setup on Ubuntu.  I found the experience a bit daunting, and wanted to journal my experience in case someone else out there is finding a similar stressful experience.

Following the steps that Brian Higgins provided on his posting

Step 1:
Open a terminal

Using Aptitude or Synaptic, install the required FUSE applications:

$ sudo apt-get install fusedav fuseext2 fusefat fusesmb

Step 2:
Download the 32bit or 64bit PogoPlug Companion driver for Linux from the Pogoplug website. (

Extract the single file named “pogoplugfs” to a directory like ~/myBIN/ for example.

Step 3:
Now copy the pogoplugfs to the /bin directory

$ sudo cp ~/myBIN/pogoplugfs /bin

Step 4:
Grant yourself rights to FUSE:

$ sudo usermod -a -G fuse $(id -u -n)

Step 5:
LOGOUT and LOGIN to make rights effective:
The quickest way is usually CTRL-ALT-BS or ALT-PRTSCR-K.

Step 6:
Create a mount point and grant permissions to it:

$ sudo mkdir /media/pogoplug
$ sudo chown root:fuse /media/pogoplug
$ sudo chmod 0775 /media/pogoplug

Step 7:
Mounting PogoPlug on Ubuntu (cannot sudo) as a background process:
$ /bin/pogoplugfs --user [YOUREMAIL] --password [YOURPASSWORD] --mountpoint /media/pogoplug

Unmounting the pogoplug volume leaves the mountpoint intact FYI:
$ sudo umount /media/pogoplug


If you would like the PogoPlug to be mounted on reboot, I would suggest the following steps they worked well for me....

Optional Step 1:
Navigate to /etc/rc0.d
$ cd /etc/rc0.d

Optional Step 2:
Create a startup script using nano
$ sudo nano

Insert the following into the text file:


for (( i=0; i<=20; i++ ))

sleep 15
#find the current state of pogo
state=`pgrep pogoplugfs`

#if pogo off, turn it on, if it's on, exit
if [ "$state" = "" ]; then
/bin/pogoplugfs --user [YOUREMAIL] --password [YOURPASSWORD] --mountpoint /media/pogoplug



Hit CTRL+X to exit - be sure to save

Optional Step 3:
Make the script you just created executable:
$ sudo chmod +x

(special thanks to for this one)

After completing the Optional steps, you should be able to restart your Ubuntu and you will find that your pogoplug drive has been mounted successfully and you should now be able to access everything remotely as though it was a local installation.

I have found that this is actually fast enough to run mkv video files over the internet.  My next adventure is to see if I can share my recorded home videos remotely from the cottage....

1 comment:

  1. I'm getting this error message on step 7

    ERROR: Failed to connect to server: -15!

    What could be causing that?
